The Charleston Chapter of Sigma Xi

Darwin Week 2023 (Feb 11-17)

2023 Sigma Xi Distinguished Lecturer:

Dr. Reyco Henning
Taming the Dark Matter Zoo Without Telescopes
Darwin Week Details Here
The South Carolina Academy of Sciences with be holding its annual meeting at the MUSC campus in Charleston on Saturday March 25th.
The Charleston Chapter of Sigma Xi sponsors undergraduate research awards at this showcase. Please consider attending or participating as a judge.
Go to: Volunteer for 2023 SCAS/SCJAS Meeting

Darwin Week 2024

This year's Darwin Week festivities included two excellent lectures by Dr. Jut Wynne, Sigma Xi distinguished lecturer for 2024.

In a seminar at the College of Charleston, he discussed Belize Cave Biodiversity.

During his Citadel lecture, he presented A Global Perspective on Cave Biodiversity

Cave ecologist, Dr. Jut Wynne has studied cave-dwelling animals since 2005. He has explored subterranean landscapes within the Navel of the World (Rapa Nui), throughout the American Southwest, deep into the Eurasian continent, and the Neotropics. His investigations into cave-roosting bats and cave-dwelling wildlife have led to numerous discoveries. Notably, he and colleagues have identified nearly 70 subterranean-dwelling invertebrate species believed to be new to science; many of these species are adapted to the cave environment. He has also documented a range of novel behaviors of neotropical animals in cave environments.

Fall 2022 News

Oct 1: Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR)

Applications DUE for Sigma Xi Grants in Aid of Research (GIAR) supporting undergraduate and graduate research. Go to

Oct 14: Marine Research Student Colloquium

The 2022 Marine Research Student Colloquium will be held in person at the Marine Resources Research Institute at Fort Johnson. The day-long event will feature poster and oral presentations as well as keynote speaker Dr. Jeremy Goldbogen, associate professor at Stanford University and Co-Director of the Hopkins Marine Station. His cutting-edge research program includes the energetics, foraging ecology, and biomechanics of baleen whales and other marine species. The Charleston Chapter of Sigma Xi will sponsor both a First Place ($100) and Second Place ($50) Best Oral Presentation Award at the Colloquium.

Nov 1: Charleston Sigma Xi Psychology and Neuroscience Fund (PNF)- Applications DUE.

This fund supports outstanding local undergraduates and recent alumni in psychology and neuroscience who wish to apply to Ph.D. programs but are limited due to financial need. Go to for more details and the application.

Nov 4: Perry V. Halushka Research Day at MUSC.

MUSC's annual Perry V. Halushka Research Day will also be held in person on Friday, November 4. The Charleston Chapter of Sigma Xi will sponsor a Best Presentation award ($150). To compete for this award, presenters or their mentors must be dues-paying members of Sigma Xi. Please contact Karen Burnett ( if you would like to serve as a judge for this competition.